These are FABULOUS lists, thank you for sharing!! For the cozy mystery section, I would add the entire Flavia deLuce series by Alan Bradley. A precocious young British girl, lover of all things science, helps solve crime in her small 1950s town. Light suspense with a touch of humor.

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Aww - thanks so much for giving the Blue Doors series a shout-out, that was totally unexpected but so sweet to see!

Lots of favorites on this lIst - The Very Secret Society of Irregular Witches was a new find that I'd put off but was delighted by. Wishing Game is on my tbr so I'm glad you liked it!

I also find Susanna Kearsley books to be good fall reads, and while sometimes they can be slower to get into, they make really good rereads. Still Life With Breadcrumbs is a favorite fall/winter read, and Chateau of Echoes, by Siri Mitchell, is another annual reread that just feels cozy (it was actually one of the comp books for the Blue Doors series, back when we were pitching them!).

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Thank you Alison for these great suggestions! I now have a list to take with me to the library! :)

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